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Most certifications are either free or cost-effective

Programs and Certifications

Find your dream trade

There's never been a better time with more resources to help you level up.
Trade schools are offering free and affordable certifications to anyone who wants to learn.

Program Highlight: America's Cutting Edge CNC Machining

Program Highlight: America's Cutting Edge CNC Machining

The America's Cutting Edge CNC Machining program offers free online training for a high-demand career in manufacturing. This program covers essential machining topics, provides valuable credentials, and prepares you for a rewarding career with strong job prospects and high earning potential.
Trade schools
Program Highlight: TCAT's Machine Tool Technology

Program Highlight: TCAT's Machine Tool Technology

The Machine Tool Technology program at TCAT Knoxville offers 16 months of comprehensive, hands-on training in machining, covering lathes, milling machines, CNC, and CAD-CAM systems. With multiple credentials, affordable tuition, and dedicated instructors, graduates are well-prepared for high-demand jobs in various industries.
Trade schools

How to join a trade school program

Step 1

Figure out what skills you want to learn

The world is moving fast and the manufacturing industry is going to need new skills.

Step 2

Plan out career paths for that skill

A collection of skills leads to a profession. Map out who you want to be and acquire those skills.

Step 3

Calculate the ROI for learning a trade

Some programs cost money. Figure out if the pay bump you'll get will be worth it.

Unlock your potential with trade schools

Hands-on training

Learn practical skills through immersive, hands-on training programs designed for real-world applications.

Short program lengths

Get job-ready in a fraction of the time with trade school programs that prioritize efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Laborup help with accessing trade school programs?

We help people find trade school programs that match their career interests and goals. We do not guarantee enrollment into a program.

Is this tool free to use?

Yes! Our goal is to make trade education accessible to everyone, so there are 0 costs associated with using our platform whatsoever.

What types of trade school programs can I find on Laborup?

You can find a wide range of trade programs, including but not limited to, welding, fabrication, machine tooling, industrial maintenance, mechatronics, industrial electricity, and more.

How do I know which trade school program is right for me?

Consider what skills you are interested in developing and what kind of work environment you prefer. We provide detailed information about each program, including course content, duration, cost, and potential career paths, which can help you make informed decisions.

How can I apply to a trade school program?

After finding a program you're interested in, you can apply directly on the program's website. We provide links to the official application pages of the schools.

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